Kiyohara no Saya

Watching the moon at dawn,
solitary, mid-sky,
i know myself completely,
no part left out
-Izumi Shikibu

Saya considers herself a daughter of Hingashi. The scent of cherry blossoms on a spring morning is her mother; the peak of Daitenzan, wreathed in the mists of autumn, her father. All that Saya learned, she learned in Hingashi. The idle chatter of fishers by the sea; the sound of a koto's contemplative music, punctuated by the summer rains; the scent and curl of incense on the altar to the kami; the markets of Kugane; the court of the bakufu; the way the silk of her kimono falls down her body, and the weight of a sword in her hand. These are her kindred.The way of the samurai is not found merely in the practice of swordsmanship. It is a way of life. A tradition. As it is said in the Book of Fallen Leaves -- "a samurai takes matters of great importance lightly, and treats matters of little importance with great care." Therefore, Saya cares little for the politics of Hingashi and Eorzea. Family lineage, noble blood, wealth and privilege mean little to her.To live in an honorable and beautiful way. To revere the kami. To protect the helpless. To wield one's sword with courage in one's heart. To be gentle. To be strong. To have compassion. And to be without fear. These are her highest ideals.


if you ask where the flowers come from,
even the god of spring doesn't know.
-The Mumonkan

Five Things Most People Know

  • She is confident. Pride comes naturally to Saya. Humility does not.

  • She is an aesthete. Beauty is important to her. Her appearance, her manner of speech, the way she sees the world: all these things are informed by her aesthetic.

  • She is exceedingly polite, concealing her true emotions beneath a veil of immaculate courtesy. For this reason, she can often give an impression of coldness or distance.

  • She is a skilled duelist. Saya participates in several fighting tournaments She is a five-time Grindstone champion.

  • She has a subtle Far Eastern accent. When speaking Hingan, her dialect is classical and archaic.

Five Treasured Possessions

  • A lacquered wooden go set, with bowls carved from bronze.

  • A copy of The Moon Above Daitenzan - a traditional collection of one hundred Hingan poems from one hundred poets.

  • A calligraphy set and a journal. Saya composes her own poetry, inscribed in neatly lettered Hingan.

  • A fine silk kimono. She has precisely one kimono in her possession, tailored for her as a coming-of-age gift.

  • A teaset of Doman earthenware, jade-colored. The teaset is worn with use, and has been repaired over the years with powder-gold lacquer.

Five Loves

  • Traditional Music: Possessing no skill for music herself, Saya enjoys listening to talented bards. She is partial to the shamisen, the koto, and the shakuhachi.

  • Art: Her aesthetic is subtle and graceful. She loves the art of flower-arrangement, the tea ceremony, traditional calligraphy, and sumi-e paintings.

  • Travel: A traveler by nature, given to wanderlust. Saya enjoys experiencing culture.

  • Dueling: Proud of her own skill, and always eager to meet a strong challenger, Saya enjoys testing herself.

  • Culture: The world is wide, and full of interesting people. Saya enjoys experiencing new cultures.

Five Fears

  • Attachment: Saya romanticizes her own solitude. She knows, secretly, that she is simply afraid of growing attached to other people, and losing her own independence.

  • Family: Saya left her ancestral home two years ago. She is afraid of facing her family again..

  • Failure: She has a strong sense of responsibility, and is frequently critical of herself if she fails to meet her own standards.

  • Helplessness: Saya knows how it feels to be helpless, and to have no power at all. She swore she'd never allow herself to feel that way again.

  • Namazu: ... It's those cold, dead eyes.

Five Intimate Details

  • A warm, soft voice. Saya's tone is naturally gentle. She speaks clearly, and chooses her words with care.

  • Immaculate personal appearance. Saya takes care of her body, her hair, her clothes, her horns. She is particularly fussy about hygiene.

  • A subtle, delicate scent of incense, lavender, and silk. Her daily worship at the altar of the kami stains her clothes with fragrance.

  • Loves bathing. Often found luxuriating in a local onsen, or bathing in a stream while traveling. She carries a small collection of fine soaps and oils.

  • Extraordinarily pale features, even by raen standards. Porcelain skin, pearl-white scales, and platinum hair.

Out of Character

Saya Kiyohara - Balmung (Crystal)
Time Zone: PST (West Coast) / GMT -8
Discord: silverdawn
Find Me On BlueSky Here
Thank you for reading my profile. Saya was inspired by my interest in classical Japanese literature, my affection for jidaigeki and pulp-samurai stories, and my undying love of everything related to Final Fantasy.
The name "Kiyohara" is a reference to Heian-era poet and writer Sei Shonagon, whose original name was (probably) Kiyohara no Nagiko.If you're interested in roleplaying with me, here are a few guidelines:

Roleplaying With Me

  • I love meeting new people! If you see me online, feel free to say hello and introduce yourself.

  • If my status is set to roleplay, feel free to approach me or send me a tell. If I'm unresponsive, I may be alt-tabbed.

  • I work late hours. I don't have a lot of free time. I'm active on weeknights after 8:00 PM PST and weekend afternoons.

  • Your personal details are your business. I will never ask after them. I keep a strict boundary between IC and OOC. Please give me the same courtesy.

  • I believe roleplaying is for everyone. I won't judge you for the way you play your character. If we're roleplaying together, I respect the time and attention you share with me.

What I'm Looking For

Socializing: Friends. Rivals. New acquaintances. I want Saya to meet people.Combat: Saya has a reputation as a skilled duelist. She rarely turns down a challenger.Lo-Fi Roleplay: Intimate, personal scenes between the two of us. I like atmospheric, emotional, bittersweet stories.Slice-of-Life: Everyday stories from the lives of our characters. Tea, conversation, spending time together doing simple things.18+ Partners: I will only roleplay with adults.

How Do I Feel About ...

Mature Themes: I'm comfortable with mature themes, although I will not roleplay maiming, torture, disfiguration, or any kind of sexual violence.Romance: I never plan a romance or "ship" characters. However, I love romantic themes, bittersweet yearning, complicated feelings.Long-Term Roleplay: I'm not available for long story arcs. My schedule and interests prevent me from committing to a single roleplaying partner.Drama: I love it. As long as it's in-character.

A Final Note

If you've made it all the way through my profile, I'm very grateful for your attention. Let's have a wonderful time playing this game together.

Seven Haiku and a Tanka

by Kiyohara no Saya

In a foreign land,
the only language I know
is the sound of rain

the blackbird at my window
tells me of his day.

Like scattered arrows
lying beside their target:
our best intentions.

Without company,
I am in the company
of someone I love.

If on a spring night
we looked up at the same stars,
that would be enough.

Red leaves, black shadows;
sunset washes its paintbrush
in the rushing stream.

You said you would come;
I waited in the market
until the stalls closed.

The road before me
is impossible to see
in the dark of night.
I think I will keep walking
until I can hear songbirds.